_august 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

«Landscape depiction»
Photography, 71x45cm, 2024
The afterglow of the setting sun bathes everything in golden light, painting the mountains and rivers. It inspires heroes to be filled with passion and to boldly strive forward.

@387 Xinhua Road

Photography, 71x45cm, 2024
Frame by frame, capturing the moment for an eternal work of art.

@602 Dingxi Road

«Sweet Volcano»
Photography, 71x55cm, 2024
"Hello Kitty" is a key element of contemporary popular culture. It appears in this still life as a witness to our society. This is nowadays’ Pop Art!

_july 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

Xiao Lei
50x70cm, Fountain pen drawing, 2016
I walk barefoot on Prague’s cobblestone streets, feeling the warmth of the earth.

@387 Xinhua Road

Xiao Lei
50x70cm, Fountain pen drawing, 2017
A box, what has it contained? What will it contain next? Who knows?

@602 Dingxi Road

Xiao Lei
50x70cm, Fountain pen drawing, 2017
The sky is the same everywhere, like a song.

_june 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

Claude Closky
Public poster 60 x 67 cm, 2024
My proposal is designed for the public space, targeting everyone; passersby who are engaged by messages on public display as well as those spread on social media.

@387 Xinhua Road

Claude Closky
Public poster 60 x 67 cm, 2024
My project highlights an increasingly polarized and simplistic communication.
To achieve this, I use the widely recognized emoji -- the thumbs-up hand 👍 -- substituting it for all the signs in the language developed by those with hearing impairments.

@602 Dingxi Road

Claude Closky
Public poster 60 x 67 cm, 2024
I reduce the langage to the single sign of acceptance/satisfaction. A deaf man's dialogue, in the figurative sense only.

_may 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

CHEN Yiwen
«Window View»
painting on paper, ±1990
This is one of my sketches from the last century (about 90s). Back then, I lived in an old neighborhood on Xingguo Road, and there was a big tree outside my window that would bloom with pink flowers in spring. At that time, I happened to be in a landscape painting class for a few lessons, a little itchy, and went home to the big tree outside the window to paint up. I didn't have the heart to show it to anyone after I finished it. A few winters and springs later, every time the red flowers outside the window bloomed with great fanfare, I muttered in my heart: how come this tree looks so much like my painting?

@387 Xinhua Road

GUO Zian
Digital print, 62cm x 69cm,2024
Sometimes, the relationship between mother and daughter can be confusing for both sides, because of the difference in values between each other, and these differences are due to the cognition of life in different generations. Therefore, understanding how the mother-daughter relationship influences and shapes themselves is crucial for the contemporary parent-child relationship to be reshaped and integrated in the fusion of two generations of ideas, so that both mother and daughter will embark on a path of their own growth and reach an understanding through more communication. (正文)

@602 Dingxi Road

Xià Yù, Wēng Hánzhī
«Sweet Nothing»
Macro Photography, 71x64 cm, 2024
In pursuit of maximizing profits, higher levels of sweeteners have been successively invented, heralding the expansion of the saccharin (sodium) family: acesulfame, saccharin, aspartame, etc.—only a tiny amount is needed to simulate the sensory experience of "sweetness," and because they do not participate in metabolism, provide no energy, and do not cause tooth decay, they have long been widely present in various packaged foods, freshly made beverages, and daily chemical products. At the same time, "industrial saccharin" has also entered contemporary cultural vocabulary, around which there have been many discussions interwoven with love and hate.

_april 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

Léopold Prudon
«Shanghai Chagrin»
Digital print, 62 cm x 69 cm, 2024
I remember walking at night by the streets of Shanghai carrying a feeling of unreality, as if the people walking by were actors projecting their shadows on walls that looked like a theatre stage. Behind these walls, the buildings were all black, darker than night, like figures painted on a wall. They belonged to a space that didn't seem to exist in the same reality as me. An abstraction. It was both frightening and beautiful. The feeling is still clear in me.

@387 Xinhua Road

Pauline Lecerf
«A Tribute to USB Cables»
Digital print, 62 cm x 69 cm, 2024
This drawing is a tribute to all the USB cables we've known in our lives. Although they may have been lost, broken or rendered useless by programmed obsolescence, perhaps they still continue to create links, in our hearts and our minds.

"TUT" (26 stories beyond language) is a collection of comic strips in the Snoopy tradition, sketching the modern world with humour and a sense of the uncanny. Pauline Lecerf's first book, 'TUT' also tells the story of its author between the frames, with subtlety and darkness, through her chronicles of barbapapas, street lamps, USB cables and happiness in general... What immediately sets Pauline Lecerf apart when you read her is her ability to reach us with very little, in very little time, to move us a lot, question us a lot and make us laugh.

@602 Dingxi Road

Léa Murawiec
«The Great Beyond»
Digital print, 62 cm x 69 cm, 2024
I drew this page in my book The Great Beyond thinking of the moments when I climbed on the roofs of Shanghai buildings. When you're in the street, the horizon is blocked by the facades of the buildings. But when you get up high, you can't see the end of the city's density, there are skyscrapers as far as the eye can see! It's a sensation of horizontal vertigo that I haven't experienced anywhere else, and which I wanted to convey in the book.

_march 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

«Apollo by the Riverside»
Pencil, sulfuric acid paper, 60x60cm, 2024
Chinese painting tends to provide a perspective overlooking the world from the sky, which reminds me of the series of images sent back to Earth by the Apollo program. The hustle and bustle of the world exists only on a blue dot in the universe. Using tracing paper and short strokes, I recreated photos from the Apollo program and elements from the painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival," creating a series of compositions: astronauts shopping in ancient markets, spacecraft between mules and horses, and so on. In this work, I combined the profile of an astronaut facing the porthole with the huge umbrellas in the market. What do we see in it? Pouring rain in the sky? Continuous mountains? And people sheltering from the wind at the foot of the mountain? As the ancients said: "The sky is a canopy, the earth is a felt mat, and the sun, moon, stars, and dawn accompany my sleep." Looking up, we see the universe coming with its covered face, and looking down, we see the bustling world. The space of imagination expands in contrast.

@387 Xinhua Road

55x23cm, digital drawing, 2024
Observing a piece of coral is to observe a self-contained world, a micro-world testifying to a multitude of past interactions. The complexity of its forms reflects the richness of its functions within the reef. Coral is both a living being endowed with collective intelligence and an architectural structure that hosts other species living in the reef. It is an entity and the fundamental element of a territory. A series of maps was designed based on the observation of coral specimens collected from around the world, as a trace of its precious existence or a tribute to its central function.

@602 Dingxi Road

«The Tracks on the Ocean Bed»
TouchDesigner(a visual development platform), 2024
Using sound visualization, the music "Ocean Bed" has been visually captured, leaving its tracks on the image of plants grew on the ocean bed. The white lines metaphorically signifies various human activities, while the blue numbers represent the progression of time. Whether it is human activities detrimental to marine ecosystems or those advocating environmental protection, their impact may seem minimal at present. However, over time, these influences will gradually accumulate, potentially leading to a qualitative transformation of the entire marine ecology.

_february 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

HU Jingyun (Art Touching Studio)
«Dancing Dragon to Welcome Spring-Peace and Happiness»
multi-material, 30x50cm, 2024
Hello everyone, under the guidance of my teacher, I have created a dragon using a combination of painting and handicrafts. This is also the image of the dragon in my heart: beautiful and majestic, noble and mysterious. Dragon wakes up from a dream, the sky is warm and early spring is in full swing. The dragon raises its head, fills the warehouse with smooth wind and rain, sways its tail, and flowers and clouds rise in the field. Dragon scales flash, and grains enter the house. May we welcome the rising year with the posture of a dragon.
art touching studio

@387 Xinhua Road

Chen Jiayu (Art Touching Studio)
«Dragon Dance to Welcome Spring-Peace and Happiness»
Multi-material, 30x50cm, 2024
The dragon is a symbol of good luck, a symbol of China.
The dragon's body is blue because I think blue is more auspicious;
Why does it have horns on its head? Because the dragon is an amphibious animal, that's why it has horns on its head. The scales on the dragon's body are very much like the scales on a snake. The scaled body of the dragon is more three-dimensional, sparkling and festive when pasted with pieces of paper!
Wish all people - dragon and phoenix good luck, blessed dragon to celebrate the New Year!
art touching studio

@602 Dingxi Road

Youyou (Art Touching Studio)
«Dragon Dance to Welcome Spring-Peace and Happiness»
Multi-material, 30x50cm, 2024
The dragon I drew was taken from a golden dragon on the Nine Dragon Wall in the Forbidden City. Do you know why I drew it in blue-green? It's because when I was drawing it, my teacher told us, "When she taught my junior high school brothers and sisters to draw dragons, they all drew them in green. The teacher wondered, so she asked them why they drew it in green, and they said the dragon itself was green." So I used green too. As for the blue, I thought it was too monotonous to have only green.
art touching studio

_january 2024

@609 Xinhua Road

DUAN Yunzhu,
«Now and Every Moment»

3240x2160px, illustration, 2022
Each person is present in each moment and can be present in all time at once. Each moment is different from itself and looks at each other.

@387 Xinhua Road

«pay attention»

18x11cm, installation, 2024
A book in the window.

@602 Dingxi Road

Elly YANG,
«Sweet Volcano»

64x71cm, installation, 2024
Volcanoes, these great dangers and disasters, and large volcanic eruptions which were probably the real cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. What if what comes out of volcanoes is no longer the dreaded magma, but the sweet things that people like nowadays?
Would we willingly let it drown?

_november 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

FU Huarong,
«In the plane»

55x23cm, digital photography
Taken many years ago, sitting in an aeroplane looking out of the window, the sky is bright and dark.

@387 Xinhua Road

FU Huarong,
«Louvre Pyramid»

55x23cm, digital photography
From this angle the building looks as if it is receiving signals from the sky.

@602 Dingxi Road

SHI Yifan,
«Well-being» (福祉)

64x71cm, installation, 2023
Shanghai, this city belongs to people and cats. Tasting the sweet and sour of life, we have joy and pain, perseverance and uncertainty. The cats are all there, quietly observing everything.
Another winter is coming, when people pray for the well-being of the New Year, cats are always with you and me.

_october 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Tong Yueming,
«BMW's Bao Ma Liang Pony»

colour sketch, 2021
A BMW child born in the Year of the Horse designed his own dream ride and named it "BMW Liangma", and his licence plate is also unique, have you noticed?

@387 Xinhua Road

Xenia Sidorenko,

Denim clothes installation, 2023
This piece of art was done in 10 minutes, a garbage truck full of clothes is either incinerated or sent to the landfill every second , this means during the time I made this piece, somewhere in the World 600 trucks of clothes got wasted.

How come we become so easy on the usage of precious resources ? How come we dare to waste it this way , just because fashion is so fast and we need to chase it so badly for someone to call us “ trendy “ ?

We offer the solution to the jeans you don’t want to wear anymore - you give it upcycle system and useDEM team will take care about transformation , and you can get an useful item as bag or new clothes from your unwanted one.

( resource https://earth.org/fast-fashion-statistics/ )

@602 Dingxi Road

Lily Liu,

Oil Paint
There is no one to accompany you to see the sea, then go to see the sea alone, only when you are alone, you can have a whole 🌙 by yourself, and dialogue with yourself!

@710 Dingxi Road


Our sign with Yi Hao's work has still not been found, but it has been replaced by an official one...

_september 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

CAG art group,
«The peacock measures»

Ink painting, September 2023
A long walk takes centuries, and to get to the welcoming peacocks, you have to listen to your neighbors.

@387 Xinhua Road

CAG art group,
«The peacock is a puma»

Ink painting, September 2023
The beach is beautiful at any time of the year. When a person is on the beach, he is mentally resting, forgetting many of the problems. Standing on the beach you can watch its great beauty. The water of the sea reflects the sun, and it shines, shimmers with various yellow and blue hues… Amazed, how much can be unique seashore.

@602 Dingxi Road

CAG art group,
«The peacock is the decor»

Ink painting, September 2023
The color of the peacock depends on its mood, or that of those who look at it. The peacock speaks to the same people, from his balcony, it is a peacock on guard, a peacock careful to the events and details of the street.

@710 Dingxi Road


The sign has not yet been found......

_august 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Xima O,
«When he looked into my eyes»

Watercolour, 38cmx54cm, August 2023
There is an intimacy in the connection of eyes and colors, and I tried to picture that by focusing on the subject of breakup.


@387 Xinhua Road

Tymofii 8 years old,

Pastel Landscape, April 2023
The beach is beautiful at any time of the year. When a person is on the beach, he is mentally resting, forgetting many of the problems. Standing on the beach you can watch its great beauty. The water of the sea reflects the sun, and it shines, shimmers with various yellow and blue hues… Amazed, how much can be unique seashore.

@602 Dingxi Road

Jiwen LI
«To Make a Prairie...»

Installation, plastic grass mat, 08 2023
71cm x 69,2cm x 7,5cm
I’m keen on observing the surroundings, or rather studying the elements of the surroundings of which I shift, reverse and reuse.
Displaying an artefact such as a plastic grass mat in a window encompasses a larger picture, wherever one goes, the visual experience of public space follows, and the plastic grass mat transiently and continuously constructs the city's appearance.
« To make a prairie, it takes a clover and one bee. » Would light decency become heavy if it fell into the dust like sweat?
Would we be able to tell if the grass under our feet was real or fake if in a revery everyone dance in a circle holding hands on the lawn?

@710 Dingxi Road


The sign has been removed without explanation... Yi Hao's work has disappeared...

_july 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Hua Hui,
«Dream Rose»

Watercolour, 380cmx540cm, 2022
Flowering like a dream, the heart is at peace and at ease.

@387 Xinhua Road

Little Frog 6 years old
«Shielda Never Gives Up»

Drawing, LEGO sculpture, April 2023
Once upon a time there was a crocodile that came from the deep and destroyed cities. Shielda found it and set off with his little crew, XAG. They saved the city by defeating the crocodile that kept messing up the city, and the crocodile, after being defeated many times, decided to be a good crocodile, knowing that he wasn't very good at what he did. Froggy decided that he had the right to name any creation, so this LEGO robot is called "Shielda", which means that he is like a shield, no matter how many enemies come, he can withstand them and never give up.

@602 Dingxi Road

An Zilin

Shot in North Guangxi on Nov 2019
oil painting, flowers, frame
When people see the beautiful scenery, they often pick up the mobile phone to take a picture, most people record this beautiful moment, this picture will stay in the mobile phone forever. I hope that people can pay more attention to the nature itself beyond the photos, and not just stop at the beauty of the moment.

@710 Dingxi Road

Yi Hao
«Broken Color Palette»

Printed photography with corals stones, July 2023
In July, Shanghai is hotter than ever, but it is not only human beings who are affected by global warming. Global warming has led to the death of coral, which has caused a fatal blow to marine biodiversity. With the disappearance of colorful coral reefs, a large number of other marine life were wiped off from the ocean. The question now is what can we do in a hot summer day to help?

_june 2023

@609 Xinhua Road


Printed photography, april 2020
It is spring, life takes center stage in nature. According to a Chinese belief, on the third day of the third lunar month, a kite must be flown. The reel turns , turns, show the dexterity of leading hands, the wonderful harmonic dance in the sky, the kites surround the Yangpu river.

@387 Xinhua Road

Sabrina J
«Madame Desjardin»

Printed photography, 2018
Elle a connu la froideur des hivers et la chaleur des étés dans une vie hors des salons ouatés.
Ses mains sont comme l'âme de cette personne, fière et digne ayant accepté en silence depuis longtemps sa place sur cette planète.
Pourtant j'étais très belle dit-elle, oui j'étais la plus belle de mon village lointain. Hier, mon reflet dans le miroir m'a réveillée vieille.
Aujourd'hui au crépuscule de sa vie, son coeur est à nu, mais elle est toujours à l'écoute de mon esprit d'enfant.
She experienced the coldness of winters and the warmth of summers in a life outside the lounges. Her hands reflect her soul, proud and dignified having accepted her place on this planet in silence.
"I was very beautiful, she said, yes, I was the most beautiful in my distant village. Yesterday, my reflection in the mirror woke me up to the passing of time."
Today at the twilight of her life, her heart is naked but she is always listening to Her inner childlike spirit .

@602 Dingxi Road

Fabiola Liacy De Felip (ByFab)
«Moments in life of the Miao people : Hands of a warrior»

Shot in North Guangxi on Nov 2019
Photography printed in Epson mat paper, inkjet ultragiclee
Hands, an eternal fascination to me.
Hands that tell a story.
Hands that weave tales secretly untold.
Hands, a testament to a lifetime's chase.
Hands, mapped with wrinkles that reveal a lifetime.
Behind these exquisite jewels, a symbol of an apparent coquetry, years of labour unfold, revealing a lifetime of toil, like a story tale.

@710 Dingxi Road

Marvin Bonheur
«Our Treasuresr»

Printed photography, 2019
That day the children celebrated Easter. Traditionally in France parents children looking for chocolate eggs hidden in the garden. In this popular district three young girls were having fun in a wild garden to find “treasures”

_may 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Florica Dumitru, Virginia Cadar & Stanca Soare
«Rien à voir» (Nothing to be seen)

4 towels woven in linen, cotton and recycled threads with embroidery on work uniforms 4 inkjet prints on 90g paper in black and white / 4 pictures donated by users
« Nothing to be seen » encourages to rather act than watch. It tries to create a situation that involves unrelated people and events. To do so, it uses outsider objects crafted by elderly Romanian women who weave in villages. The proposal will give those objects to neighbors surrounding Xinhua Art Services' display panels. Once activated, the objects become useful in an everyday context, narrative bridges between makers and users. By doing so, they disappear from the display panels, they escape. Rumors say this is not their first escape.

@387 Xinhua Road

Florica Dumitru, Virginia Cadar & Stanca Soare
«Rien à voir» (Nothing to be seen)

4 towels woven in linen, cotton and recycled threads with embroidery on work uniforms 4 inkjet prints on 90g paper in black and white / 4 pictures donated by users
If those towels could talk, they'd tell you they traveled from Romania to France before their arrival in China. They'd tell you that some parts of them were uniforms for work, made by a well-known museum and that many different people wore them. Half of the towels would say they used to be bed covers, the other half will complain they should've been carpets. All of the towels will warn you they were almost “artworks”. Impossible to know if that is true. Nevertheless, all of the towels agree that they'd pretty much prefer you to wipe your hands with them.

@602 Dingxi Road

Florica Dumitru, Virginia Cadar & Stanca Soare
«Rien à voir» (Nothing to be seen)

4 towels woven in linen, cotton and recycled threads with embroidery on work uniforms 4 inkjet prints on 90g paper in black and white / 4 pictures donated by users
Before the towels arrived on the panels, a “Louvre” logo could be seen instead of the central embroidery. That logo transformed the pieces into problematic « art » for the gallery who showed them first. For legal reasons, the gallery decided to minimize the towels in their media communication. I remarked that on the pictures, the troublesome details were made too small to be understood. This soft silencing gave birth to the embroideries here. They're magnified copies of that tiny censorship.

@710 Dingxi Road

Florica Dumitru, Virginia Cadar & Stanca Soare
«Rien à voir» (Nothing to be seen)

4 towels woven in linen, cotton and recycled threads with embroidery on work uniforms 4 inkjet prints on 90g paper in black and white / 4 pictures donated by users
The following 4 pictures represent the towels in their new habitat. Volunteers from the neighborhood accepted to become users by integrating the objects in their working/living environment. They donated those pictures, each of which is a match to one of the black and white images.

_april 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Liu Yi, «Mobile Phone Painting Series: 2015.4.14-Present»
Mobile phone, Sketch Book X (App)
Since Apr 14, 2015, I have been doing finger drawing on the touchscreen of my cellphone and sharing such works via WeChat Moments every day. The “work” soon became my daily routine, since it brings me the happiness and excitement of art creation as well as some time to spend alone despite my daily hustle and bustle.

@387 Xinhua Road

Liu Yi, «Mobile Phone Painting Series: 2015.4.14-Present»
Mobile phone, Sketch Book X (App)
As I do such work with my cellphone, which is essentially a part of my EDC (Every Day Carry), I can be rather adaptable to various work environments, e.g. buses, underground, taxis, cafés, restaurants, classrooms, hospitals, curbsides, my living room, and sometimes the couch in my studio.

@602 Dingxi Road

Liu Yi, «Mobile Phone Painting Series: 2015.4.14-Present»
Mobile phone, Sketch Book X (App)
The routine has been well-maintained even when I was away from home, either for work or trip, as it has become the “visual log” of my life.

@710 Dingxi Road

Liu Yi, «Mobile Phone Painting Series: 2015.4.14-Present»
Mobile phone, Sketch Book X (App)
The themes of those drawings vary from the sketching of common things in life, reminiscence of specific scenarios, peculiar expressions of my instant feelings, and the abstractive imagination of my life.

_march 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Lai Zhichun, «Passers-by», 2022
Ektar100 color Negative Film, Minolta XD7, inkjet Print 70x47cm
One day in 2022, I saw them from my bedroom window in Nancy. It was the first time we met and the last time we met.

@387 Xinhua Road

Li Youqiao (Yingcheng Changjiao), «Hats off to the pros / 1»
Fahuazhen Road, 10/01/2021
photography, inkjet print, 60x43cm
It was an early winter evening during mask time. On my way to the grocery store, I was lucky enough to spot this hungry worker resting, and I was lucky that he fell asleep and I had enough time to turn around and back the car up to finish the shot.
The next day I posted this photo to my friends, and the comments were mostly admiration and amusement. But after experiencing, finding, tracking, capturing and sharing the entire process, I felt a sense of respect for this worker.
All life trying to live should be respected!

@602 Dingxi Road

Marie Michalikova, «Untitled», 2023
from the BACKUP series
digital photograph (cropped), inkjet print, 70x63cm
This ongoing series entitled BACKUP is exploring the dematerialization of our daily lives using 3D scans as digital photographs. I am interested in creating ambiguous images and to constantly navigate in an in-between and surreal space.
My starting point for this visual research was a desire to make images compulsively as if everything depicted there was on the verge of disappearing.

@710 Dingxi Road

DeYi Studio, «Interlude»
photography, inkjet print, 70x63cm, 2023.03
Grand Hair Salon now has its own waiting sofa. And we are waiting for proposals for a sign for Mr. GE, hairdresser, who works here.
Paintings, drawings or photos of haircuts are also welcome.

_february 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Zhu Weibing, «Suit men look forward to the ease of the inside»
Ready-made wooden horse, cloth, thread, cotton, corrugated paper, 2023.02
The work considers a parachute on a corrugated sheet of the size of a window, fixed with a pin, a man in a suit on a wooden horse and two men in suits running on the ground, the man in the suit on the wooden horse pulling a parachute floating in the sky, and a cloud floating in the corner of the sky!
The overall tone of the work is relaxed and romantic, showing that urban people aspire to be relaxed and at ease, but are pulled by the realities of status, mortgage, position and various climbing states, so some states just become aspirations!

@387 Xinhua Road

Ji Wenyu, «Wishes for the Year of the Rabbit»
print paper, glue, 2023.02
Just after the 15th day of the first month of the Year of the Rabbit, I considered cutting out 12 painted rabbits from printer paper and pasting them along the edges of a small window glass area of 71x64x7.5㎝ to indicate the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit, and using the 7.5cm depth of the window, I pasted a wish for the Year of the Rabbit on the bottom side: The rabbit's tail is short, which means all the bad things won't grow! The surrounding space is already full of warmth, just wait and see. May all be well in the Year of the Rabbit!
This use of limited depth can produce a three-dimensional sense, while in the daytime the rabbit on the glass will be very bright and white, the blessing behind the hidden in the back care released, at night the lights in the window will illuminate the blessing words, and the bunny will be backlit in a warm ambiguity to.

@602 Dingxi Road

Mao Weixin, «Poem of the Sun Series»
Polypropylene on canvas+composite material,
15x15cm x4, 2022
I did not choose a title such as 'Poem of the Sun' for the sake of literal formality. I am a man who sought 'poetry', even if poetry is a rare and outdated thing nowadays. But I still think that poetry is a precious thing. Unlike the traditional "poetry speaks for itself", poetry today focuses on the original and pure imagination of the mind, on the wisdom of expression, on a sentiment that seems less witty but still follows some self-imposed rules. Poeticism is a synthesis, it is a state and a breath that, in many cases, is not to be found, and likewise, those breaths are not something that can be possessed through disciplined training.
I see the works in this series of Poems of the Day as a daily task of digging inwards and releasing my own state at the same time, hoping that each piece can be frozen and flowing like poetry, while at the same time hoping to give poetic meaning to the daily life through externalised expressions, where poetic meaning also carries a symbolic function.

@710 Dingxi Road

DeYi Studio, «Grand Hair Salon»
Acrylic on paper, 2023.02
For several months a hairdresser has been working on the small public square in front of the billboard. A simple chair is his open-air salon. We thought that this type of proximity service, once frequent but now rare, deserved a sign.
The name proposed for this hair salon ("GRAND AIR SALON", written in gold letters on the comb) is a play on the homophony between the word "Hair" in English (pronounced with a French accent), and the word "air" in French. The French expression "grand air" means "open-air", "outside". The letter R is also pronounced "air" in French. Hence the big R...
The painting of the comb is an allusion to one of the first ready-made of Marcel Duchamp, also based on a pun mocking the painter: "Qu'il peigne !" ("Let him paint!" : peigne = comb or subjunctive of paint). Probably a common point between Marcel Duchamp and the hairdressers. One often finds hairdressing salons whose name is a pun on "hair" or "tif" (slang for hair). DIMINU-TIF, for example (diminutive).

_january 2023

@609 Xinhua Road

Yuan Rui, «Embrace»
Photography, 2023.01
Embrace is a series of fictitious images based on real scenes through grasping people walking in the city. In the past three years, we have often experienced situations in which people are blocked due to Covid-19, and we miss the days with breathing freely and embracing warmly. This group of works attempts to use fictional images to reconstruct warm encounters between people.
On the morning of Xinhua Road, the winter sun was shining and warm, when two women in red passed by the shadow of the trees and ran to different destinations with the same romantic moment...

@387 Xinhua Road

Yuan Rui, «Embrace»
Photography, 2023.01
In the afternoon on Xinhua Road, as the sunlight fades, a woman in red walks her dog, relaxed and at ease. A short time later, a man in black passes by, glances at the camera and continues to walk with curiosity.

@602 Dingxi Road

Yuan Rui, «Embrace»
Photography, 2023.01
On an afternoon on Ding Xi Road, many residents of the annex came to buy food, and two brightly dressed aunts carried bags ready to be filled.

@710 Dingxi Road

Yuan Rui, «Embrace»
Photography, 2023.01
In the afternoon on Ding Xi Road, a blind man walks through the sunshine. I wonder if he can sense a hint of light, or if he can sense the scent of the people passing by.

_december 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

Road to Tomorrow, «My Plate of the Community»
Paper plates and watercolor pens, 2022.10.30
“My Plate of the Community” is one of the public programs of “Plate Plan” initiated by Road to Tomorrow. Through several activities around “food”, i.e. a walk in the community, a Plate Workshop and a screening followed by discussion, we want to arouse more attention to sustainable lifestyle, especially sustainable or unsustainable ways of eating in the community. Here in the windows are the plates drawn by the participants in the Plate Workshop which display the ways of getting food in their own community.

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@387 Xinhua Road

7788 Dressing Room, «Junk to Joy»
Notebook, Daily Waste, 2022
Daily waste is a very creative fabric in its color, shape, and use. These carefully selected waste materials have been shaped and combined to achieve a harmonious sense of art. While recording my thoughts and ideas, it reminds me to always keep an eye on what i consume.

@602 Dingxi Road

6-year-old Luna, «Group Photo»
Post-It, June 2020
Mama said: The summer in 2020,Luna had nowhere to go, so I brought her to my office, but she found something to do.
Luna said:A mat,five foxes,a little girl,an owl,an unnamed creature,and a building … The feeling l had when doing this is “it is fun!”

@710 Dingxi Road

Huang Yuemin, «Out of focus today»
Spring, scouring pads, plastic tableware, rubber toys, toy block, other toys, 2022.12.8
Ready-made products are an important part of my work, because they are close enough to me, but when they become material, they are far away from our lives. Just like a camera focuses, we zooms in and out to get a good look. But it's probably out of focus today, because it's vague and doesn't really mean anything. But I had a great time making them, and I hope that you, who came across them, are also in a good mood.

_november 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

Manzu, «From Xinhua lu to Moganshan»
inkjet printing, folding - 2022/11
Xinhua Road and Moganshan don't sound related at all, but both of them are quite familiar to me. I think if I were to find one thing in common between these two places, it would be their history and culture. Xinhua Road is a street in a big city where westerners used to come and participate in the renovation. Moganshan is a mountain village with many old houses. Although the locations are different, both have been historically influenced by foreigners and can still connect the different people to this day.
I myself was just a high school student, and because of my parents' work, I met a lot of people related to art and was inspired by many of them. This time I had the opportunity to work on a one square meter project in Moganshan and Xinhua Road, so I wanted to show the two places in the window and make a connection between them.
I used a technique created by the artist Yaacov Agam: "agamopraph", and drew two pictures with my iPad. One is a phoenix tree on Xinhua Road and the other is a road in the bamboo forest of Moganshan. The viewer can see either Xinhua Road or Moganshan by looking at it from different angles. People passing by on the street can then naturally feel the transition between the two places.

@387 Xinhua Road

GU Zhongsheng, «Trap»
Installation, Dimension Variable, 2022
Silk 、fishing line and Fishing Bait
Everything can be seen as a trap, and nature is best at creating one. Design, art, beauty, ugliness, monstrosity and even good and evil can all be seen as traps that draw you into them. I have made a net out of silk, and the tool that supports and unfolds it is the bait that attracts the fish. The viewer first feels the thinness and lightness of the silk, even breathing can affect its shape, and within it are wrapped sharp fish hooks. In a warm, soft mist there is a crisis, as if the hunter in the jungle is the hunter and the prey itself. In such a chain, I want to convey a multi-perspective way of looking at things and perceiving them, thinking about the real and the fictional.

@602 Dingxi Road

ZHANG Lu & DONG Lanjun, «GETHER - Moganshan»
Inkjer Print, Visual Display 2022.11.01
Like animals looking for water, we all walk from our own homes to our favourite cafés.
We gather together, make small talk and enjoy a cup of coffee.
This is the place we wanna create.

@710 Dingxi Road

LI Wenxi, «Travel From Moganshan»
various objects, installation, 2022.11.1
This year, I started my travel at Bai & Yun Art Museum in Moganshan in February, and it was the first time I took a trip as a volunteer. The experience was fun and meaningful, which motivated me to go to the next stop. Thus, I worked in exchange for room and board in many cities for the next seven months.
During my in-depth travel, I had the chance to slowly enjoy the natural scenery, explore the unique local handicrafts, and learn more about the construction of indigenous dwellings. In the process, I collected many tickets and items, including an ethnic patchwork bag from Shaxi in Dali, a stone from Genie Mountain in Litang, and a purple pottery teacup from Jianshui in Honghe, etc. Each of these small items carries warm memories and makes my "wandering" experience fulfilling.

_october 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

HE Yu, «reunited at...»
ink, color pen, kitchen paper towel, old books - 2022/04
All those small works on kitchen paper towels were done in this special spring of 2022, which was named “re-united at...” in memory of the lockdown period, when everyone was united in one slice of collective destiny. The covid virus has been reminding us, that Mankind is one community, and this spring has bound us all even closer in one shanghai community that neighbors help neighbors, that we help ourselves by helping each other. Most materials I got to develop artworks during that period came from generosity of my dear neighbors whom I had probably never spoken a work earlier. Much gratitude indeed.
Today, when I was asked about titles of those works, my mom texted me that she has been arranging everything so that she could move to shanghai to live with me in Oct. Mom has been diagnosed with cancer cells transferred in early May, when it was a huge regret that I could not fly over to give my support timely. Lately she has been locked-in at hometown for about two weeks. After all those experiences, we are going to be re-united soon under one roof. Here are those little works for everyone with blessing that “ We are together!”

@387 Xinhua Road

CHEN Debao, «Xinhua - WuTong Soliloquize»
Watercolor, 2022.2.
For a century, from Amherest Road to Jaqar Road and then Xinhua Road - between the shadows of the wutong leaves, we can clearly feel the calm elegance after a hundred years of wind and rain, and the long cultural lineage that flows from yesterday to tomorrow ......

@602 Dingxi Road

Nvnv Nian & Xiao Longhua, «GREEN»
Giclee Print, Mar-Sep, 340mm×610mm, 2022
The pictures of green color came from the daily life during the time from March to September 2022. They are displayed randomly according to the months, which correspond to vegetables, fruits, plants, clothing, lighting, patina, QR codes, WeChat, graphic design… The green in these pictures disappears and reappears , they are the limited thoughts on life and the strong evidences of living records throughout the individual lives.

@710 Dingxi Road

XU Lingxiao, «Skatepark Smash»
mixed media, 2022,05, 02
My biggest hobby is skateboarding. The skatepark was closed during quarantine. I thought that there were lots of skateboard ELVES got party at park with friends, such as TV man, iPad man, Boss cat, and all kinds of virtual skateboarder... they had fun there and showed their tricks which I have never seen.

_september 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

CAI YiYun, «we grew this way»
collage, 2022
As a generation born after the 1980s, they are at the crossroads of the new and the old. Aesthetics and interest naturally bear the imprint of the 1980s.
Both of these works use my childhood photos as collage elements.I remember when I was a child, I had a small iron box, where I would put a lot of my favorite things, such as glass marbles, game cards and so on. When I moved, I occasionally found it, which was like opening Pandora's box, suddenly pulling my memory back to the 1980s and 1990s.I used sweet wrappers and photos of myself when I was a child to make "My Party" this collage, full of deep nostalgia.The work 《we grew this way》uses a photo of myself and my classmates, which is a primary school graduation photo. I found it from the yellowing album, struggling to identify the appearance of each classmate, which is a good friend, which has quarreled. In the end, I cut them out and made them into clocks, just like the years we had passed.

@387 Xinhua Road

Zhang Yunjia, «Closing my eyes»
inkjet print, 2022-08
Jiaxiang Temple is located in Chixiang Village, Gaoping, Shanxi. Zhang, an old man devotes all his life to writing the histories of the temple. Rui,his grandson, helps him a lot when protecting the temple. Rui closes his eyes in this foto, looking like a Buddhism statue. Time seems to stop when he closes his eyes. Closing one’s eyes is like a metaphor for being beyond the world in Buddhism. I feel that one can choose to be unworldly as a way of living.

@602 Dingxi Road

Wang Xiaohua, «Xiao Liu»
inkjet print, 2022-08
It was a random doodle in my notebook during a meeting with one of my colleagues.
She is a girl who came to Shanghai in 2020 to work because she wanted to experience the city. She thought she would only stay for 3 months, but she has been working here for 2 years because of various destinies.
She loves all kinds of rituals, but because of the epidemic this year, she couldn't celebrate her 2nd anniversary in Shanghai with her. So I would like to pitch in and surprise her with a "chance encounter" when I take her shopping some day.

@710 Dingxi Road

WANG Songru, «Side Portrait of Beethoven»
Cardboard and black paint, 30cm x 30cm, 1970
I would like to inform you that:

This portrait has gone out of print. The original creator is probably no longer alive.
This portrait was created during the 1940s and 1950s. It was made from vinyl records. (The creator) first drew the image on paper, glued it on the record and then sawed through it slowly with a wire saw. It was a difficult task to cut out the image of old Beethoven on the record with the wire saw blade (because it could easily break into pieces if used too much force). I saw it at a friend's house, traced it on a piece of paper and then made copies of it. I glued 4 layers of cardboard together, chiselled out its shape with a wood chisel and then painted it with black paint.

There are seven such reproductions in China, all made by me! According to my niece, there is an identical portrait in Beethoven's cemetery! I share the same birthday as old Beethoven. He was left-handed, and I am left-handed too! What amazing serendipity! (The above description is written by Grandpa Wang himself)

Grandpa Wang was originally a dyer's factory worker. As a child, he lived near the Shanghai Art Museum, so he was often able to view the latest exhibitions. He was fascinated by the novelty of the collection in the art gallery, especially the wild Indian elements, which gradually planted the seeds of art in his mind. He wanted to own them so much, but they were so expensive that even as an adult, as a poorly paid labourer, he could not afford them in any case, so he began to try to create his own. He looked around and utilised all the materials around him: cement, discarded steel plates, stones he picked up in the river, roots brought by a relative working in the park, ram's horns brought by a colleague from Xinjiang ...... He used all the time he had: he took the stones to the factory very early in the morning to polish them before work and rushes home to mix the cement after work to late night......
In this way, he kept on creating and producing one piece after another.

If you want to know more about Grandpa Wang and his artwork, please scan the QR code below or contact us!
WeChat: entityentitled

_august 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

WONG Hymn, «Lockdown Memoirs - [Say Ahh..]»
inkjet print, 2022 April / May
April and May 2022 were very special months for all Shanghai residents. Because of the lockdown, everything was suddenly on pause. And in our fast pace life, things that we normally wouldn't notice, suddenly become more obvious. As a designer, I wanted to use my ability to capture these little moments in our everyday lives during the 60+ days lockdown, and so I created 60 visual memes to journal our collective memories.

@387 Xinhua Road

WONG Hymn, «Lockdown Memoirs - [Windows]»
inkjet print, 2022 April / May
One of the creations was "windows", there are many things we can talk about windows. Windows were like a gateway for most of the people during the lockdown. It was a portal for us to acquire information and interactions with the outside world. But as for me, I started to notice the little things outside of my windows, everyday around 4pm, 4 sometimes 5 little birds will hangout outside my window, singing and talking with each other, they gently look at me and I gently look back at them, I felt they have become my daily visits, and outside my other window is a huge loquat tree, and the loquats has grown so fast that I could grab some of them with my bare hands.

@602 Dingxi Road

Wong Hymn, «Lockdown Memoirs - [Dog-Walking]»
inkjet print, 2022 April / May
On the other day I noticed a familiar face in a neighbor's window, surprisingly it was someone I know, but we never knew we have actually lived this close to each other. I found out he's also a frisbee player, so we started to play frisbee with each other through our windows.
Another neighbor even sent his drone to say hello and capture from window to window. He asked every neighbor to stand at the window to wave at the drone while recording it. It was a very special moment, where it felt like we are doing something together.

@710 Dingxi Road

WONG Hymn, «Lockdown Memoirs - [Growing Onions]»
inkjet print, 2022 April / May
Every window represents a family's life style and interest, e.g., sometimes there is a little cat or a dog sleeping at the window, or it's filled with all sorts of plants. It was literally like a small exhibition canvas which we can peek into every family.
Now that the lockdown is behind us, we gradually disappear from our windows, back to the life as it was used to. A question to ask ourselves, are we still noticing the little things and the beauty outside of our windows?

_july 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

WANG Xue Jiao, «Kite»
polyester fabric, oil paint, 2022.4.9
Under the traction of the line, the kite roams freely; under the principle of physics, we make the kite by ourselves; in the frame of the kite, we doodle. In relative rules, you and I can both be free,self-directed,and autonomous . In the park, children are flying kites, I am watching the children flying kites, the children flying kites appear on my kite, the children flying kites draw on my kite, and we fly the kites we drew together...

@387 Xinhua Road

CAI Yan, «Spring»
dried flower arrangement, June 2022
Pressed Flower is drying and pressing the flowers and greens to retain their original colors and shapes, and to collage them into works of art. Most of the materials in this work come from the flowers on my balcony and the plants in our compound during the lockdown. I want to preserve some little fragments of that missed spring. Hope those who were once lonely be reborn in this beautiful spring scenery.

@602 Dingxi Road

CHENG Tao, «Form and Breath»
Mark-pen,kraft paper, 2022-07-16
Every time I pass by the balcony inside my house, I always see the plants inside the pots. I would always see them when I wanted to, I would see them without thinking, and I would still see them even when I was doing other things. Over time, when I look at them, I will look at them with the temperament of a person, in that way to look at them carefully. Under the cultivation of the environment, sunlight, water, containers and other conditions, they have grown into what they are now as far as the eye can see. They are plants, but they form an invisible atmosphere similar to aura. Among the roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, shapes, and auras, there seems to be a kind of aura that can be called eternal behind all these tangible and intangible.
And by observing the flowers, succulents, and cacti inside the pots, I began to pay attention to the trees, flowers, and shrubs along the roadside, and would take pictures of them with my phone and go through the photos when I had time. Please treat them and everyone you meet with love and patience, which is something that everyone can do and feel happy about.

@710 Dingxi Road

ZHENG Ji, «Lucky calligraphy and happy life»
rice paper, scroll, 2022
Hello, I'm Zheng Ji. I'm 38 years old. I learned calligraphy when I was a child and have a certain foundation in calligraphy. My community has a year of activities to send blessings to the residents of the community in the Spring Festival. As a calligraphy volunteer, I wrote some blessings to the residents. I am also very happy to see everyone happy. The three calligraphy works I created this time all have a lucky character. I hope these three works will bring you good luck and happy life.

_june 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

ZHU Weimin, «The Dawn»
photography and text, june 2022
The streets of the sealed city, sun filtered through the branches in the morning, less noisy than usual, but there is also a rare peace. The song of birds becomes particularly loud and clear, as if under the blue sky, they deserve have its own the world of their free capering and cheering...

@387 Xinhua Road

ZHANG Xinzhi, «My PCR day»
gouache on paper, May 2022
I want to record a special and ordinary day in 2022, about how we did PCR test, and I also want to record some people and things in the community. Maybe one day my family will move away, then I can take out this drawing and recall some moments: When the volunteer rang the doorbell, I knew it was my turn to do the PCR test. I showed the antigen negative result to the volunteer before I did the PCR test.
I was waiting in line for the test, followed by the lovely Sino-Anglo siblings. Keep a safe distance!
The volunteer scanned my PCR code and gave me the test tube. Not a toy for pets, I am sorry!
I got familiar with the people and objects in the painting during these days, such as Duoduo (the white dog), the very big loquat tree, the redwood bridge over a stream, boys and girls, and all the Whites (volunteers), because they are all neighbors from our community, including, my MOM.

@602 Dingxi Road

CAO Zaifei, «The Scenery outside»
oil painting on the chopping board and spatula, 2022-5
I have been in quarantine since the morning of March 3, 2022, when I was centrally sequestered in the campus, and left the campus on March 17 to get some painting materials and returned home to continue the quarantine.

I have never been as close to kitchen utensils as I am now, and since I ran out of frames after a long period of sequestration, I painted on pots and pans.

@710 Dingxi Road

LEE Chia, «Lots to Eat»
photography and rice grains, 2022
During the Shanghai lockdown, food supply had become an important issue. Governments at all levels and neighbors at all floors tried their best to resolve the problem. I came from faraway and bumped into the scene. This is what came out from my observation.

_march 2022

@387 Xinhua Road

«Horse, Rabbit And Tiger's Family»
photography and text, march 2022
Curator : Roga (Luo Jiayu)
The idea of this exhibition came out from a long term photo record project of my colleague Rabbit's family, as an example of modern family life. In fact, I found I only catch very little life moment of their family in 5 visit a year. Also, I had to play with their daughter everytime I visited. I realized that showing what 'family' looks like through every family member's art work may be a wonderful exhibition idea!

Let's discover what Rabbit's family looks like by the 4 art showcases!

@609 Xinhua Road

«Horse, Rabbit And Tiger's Family»
collage and drawing on paper, march 2022
Curator : Roga (Luo Jiayu)

@602 Dingxi Road

«Horse, Rabbit And Tiger's Family»
collage, drawing and watercolor on paper, march 2022
Curator : Roga (Luo Jiayu)

@710 Dingxi Road

«Horse, Rabbit And Tiger's Family»
collage and drawing on paper, march 2022
Curator : Roga (Luo Jiayu)

_february 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

PEI Ban, «the future city»
watercolor painting, february 2022

@387 Xinhua Road

ZHU Yujie, «untitled»
chains and roses, february 2022

@602 Dingxi Road

LUO Lin, «The sound of thunder»
Bast paper,Silk fan, Chinese ink,Cinnabar, february 2022
Ten years ago almost the same time to see the paul and Xia teacher, today again with the work.
The lion cub who prays for peace guards in silk fan ,and the cat has ascended the bliss in the grass in reality.It waits for it to come and transcend it to the other side.
Is everything a coincidence? The intersection between virtuality and reality has existed already,and the metacosm has existed already.

@710 Dingxi Road

Eva LU, Ge, «Farewell to the past, Vigorous like Tigers»
Acrylic paint, Markers, Glue, Cardboard, Corrugated board, Waste carton, february 2022
Wind and rain have sent Spring to home, flowing snow flakes wait for the coming Spring. It’s time to enjoy the beautiful landscapes from rivers to mountains, athletes to race fields. Lichun traditionally signifies the beginning of spring in East Asian cultures. The exposure of Beijing Winter Olympics sparks new ideas and makes people from all over the world feel delightful. After the Athletes Bing Dwen Dwen have got through an ace goal, a lovely tiger jumps into eyes and greets in front. How fancy the joyful scene is! Inside and outside the show window, tigers on those lucky envelopes, usually called Big Cat in China, is dynamic and playful. Tiger sometimes looks sleepy, sometimes looks funny, sometimes looks like a sofa potato and sometimes looks like a cool magician. All in all, these envelopes are created by Eva and Ge, with many thanks and wishes for the traditional Chinese New Year.
In the sunshine, flowers are blooming, pollens are spreading by the wind, winds are blowing, opening the year of the Tiger smoothly.
Eva is a southern girl who has lived in the north. She has the delicacy of southern girl, also have the generosity of northern girl. When she was young, her parents gave her artistic enlightenment not only in painting and vocal music, but also in traveling, seeing historical buildings and mountains and rivers. She loves life and loves to discover the beauty of things themselves. She studied children's painting at the Liu Haisu Art Museum in kindergarten. She believes that children could always behave themselves frankly and simply while they create an artistic work. Ge
Ge Feng is an illustrator and visual artist, currently working and living in Shanghai. Ge completed her BA in fashion design from Beijing institute of fashion technology,then went to Royal college of art continue her study about visual art. Her work often starts from thinking about the conflict between the individual and the environment , which combines drawing, printmaking and moving images.

_january 2022

@609 Xinhua Road

Eric Mazodier, «Design identified»
cardboard, print, acrylic, january 2022
I’m a professional designer, I have worked 10 years for Lancel, a French leather goods brand, before moving to China. During these past 5 years, I was the director of the China Studio, a branch of Nantes design School located in Shanghai. We teach a master degree in Design and transculturality.Due to the international epidemic situation, the studio had to stop his activity.
As a designer, I ask myself on the quotidian impact of my work. I have started this art project in parallel of my Design activity for many years. One of my concepts, exhibited now, is to cover everything designed and produced by human in red and white stripes. I keep humans’ body and nature neutral, in Black and white photography.

@387 Xinhua Road

Eric Mazodier, «Design identified»
cardboard, print, acrylic, january 2022
Some will see references to Daniel Buren, Dubufet, Sol Lewitt, Christo or to camouflage technic experimented during the first world war named Razzle Dazzle and many other artists. I notice all these similar appearances.
My inspiration is mainly the identification system as the one used during the middle age in Europe where lepers and all marginal was required to wear some red and white stripes elements on their clothes to be identified.

@602 Dingxi Road

Eric Mazodier, «Design identified»
cardboard, print, acrylic, january 2022
We are surrounded by elements designed by human to the point that we no longer distinguish them. Natural elements have sometimes completely disappeared from our landscape.
We are very likely to live several days only in an artificial environment designed by human.
The concept is not to denounce, fight or denigrate human production but to identify it.
My concept is named “Design identified”.

@710 Dingxi Road

Eric Mazodier, «Design identified»
cardboard, print, acrylic, january 2022
Art takes part of my researches to feed my Design activity.
I see artistic work as identification. Represent and identify.
It is up to the viewer to take it into consideration or not.

@609 Xinhua Road

KORUM, «Like a tiger in the wind»
Concept and research on the Coralian language by Marine Calamai. Calligraphy by Xia Yilan, rice paper, 2021.12.30
Through its special language, the coral community wishes you a vigorous year, like the tiger in the wind.
Corallian is a language developed by corals to communicate with humanity. Corallian is composed of characters created from the basic shapes of the most important coral species. It is a written and spoken language. The coral community invites all those who practice calligraphy to write its language, each in their own style.

@387 Xinhua Road

CHEN LunXiu, «Golden leaf welcomes the New Year»
Gingko leaves, paperboard, seal cutting, 2021.12
After the autumn of golden leaves, the New Year of 2022 comes. Among the fallen leaves everywhere, I picked up some gingko leaves like wings and put them in the "Palace Museum Calendar" of Xin Chou Year, hoping to retain the beauty and unforgettable of the past year.
I accidentally found the "Xinhua Art convenience column" in wechat circle of friends. Through this small window, people displayed different treasures, different talents and different fashions on xinhua Road with a long history.
With the consent of "Xinhua Art Convenience bar", I decided to use the autumn color that I wanted to keep - a few gingko leaves, together with several square engraved prints before, to express the good wishes of 2022 "Year of the Tiger" to the people of the past.
There are many auspicious idioms about tigers in China, such as "tiger screams and dragon sings", "like a tiger adding wings", "alive and alive", "crouching tiger hidden dragon", "alive and powerful" and so on. Therefore, they specially engraved tiger seal, calligraphy tiger word seal and Chinese paper cutting of tiger, in order to bring the year of the tiger festival. Gingko biloba leaves specially use different languages to express Chinese New Year greetings to international friends.
The seal inscriptions on ginkgo leaves "Nian An Shou Yi", "Ren Shou Shou", "Shou (Bird dragon)", "Tashi Dele" and "Tian Yu Gu xi" also express good wishes for the Chinese elderly to add longevity and happiness.
Gingko leaves also serve as a foil to the seals of "Suitable for descendants (imitating the Forbidden City seal)", "Year of monkey (second child)" and "Sail", wishing our next generation happiness.
Let's welcome the New Year 2022 together.

@602 Dingxi Road

YANG Xiao, «between noon and two»
paperboard, ink, 2021.12
In volume 1 of ‘the Notes by Learning Archery’ written in early Qing dynasty by the philosopher and educator Li Gong, he meation that “a method of practicing Qi for archer is often gazing at one thing in a distance of dozen or hundreds of steps away, and reach it”. By taking the opportunity of this event, I will practice this method. On the same size of paper, between noon and two o’clock in the afternoon, I will record things about a person that I met who is near or far from the display window.

@710 Dingxi Road

XU XueFeng, «Granny Square Flowers»
Wool knitting, 2020
Crochet is a wonderful skill, a simple crochet hook, a few balls of various colors of cotton thread, through your hands, will become beautiful and practical works. Crochet is my hobby, I crochet every day with pleasure, pleasure is the main product, objects are the by-product. Happiness makes life interesting, and objects make life gorgeous. Handicraft is not to prove anything, the love from the heart will make life better (hand-knitting of a septuagenarian).

_december 2021

@609 Xinhua Road

Olivia Hong, «Olivia’s Amazing Origami World »
Paper, Clay, 2021.12.03
I like origami very much. When I am nervous, origami can make me relax, when I am unhappy, origami can comfort me, and origami can bring me happiness. Now I can fold a lot of things and am very popular with my friends! As for the colorful clay flower, I gave it to Aunt Yilan. She likes it. She put it in the window.

@387 Xinhua Road

Zhou Yong, «Bergpark-Wilhelmshöhee», 2017, 60x70cm
The photo was taken during documenta 2018 in Kassel, Germany. Before leaving the city, i strolled through Bergpark-Wilhelmshöhe and there i discovered these children adventuring through the artificial landscape in this fairy tale town.
--> Zhou Yong's website : http://www.zhou-yong.com

@602 Dingxi Road

Gu Tintin, "Shanghai 1990s", november 2021
What to say: Shanghai 1990s describe my childhood life of the post-80s in Shanghai. I am short haired and long haired is my childhood buddy, we through our childhood memories together.

@710 Dingxi Road

Lanyin, "Living on this super planet", 2021
Water, stone, and sand are the inspirations for creating marbling; What is natural, flowing and unique is the surprise feeling that marbling gives me. In today's life changed by the epidemic, I hope we can not forget that we all live on this super planet, and I hope this work can bring some healing energy to everyone.

@602 Dingxi Road

Danica Hanz and Soline Krug, "contacts" (left), "Adorable" (right), 2021-11, Risography, 42x30cm (2)
Fragments of a lover’s discourse to Taobao
During this year’s Singles Day event, 900 million people bought from Taobao/Tmall, for a total amount of 84 billion dollars. If we go beyond the purely commercial link, can we see the relationship between Taobao and its users from a different angle? Based on "A Lover's Discourse: Fragments” by Roland Barthes, two Taobao lovers poetically explore their connection to the app in a reading performance.
Writing, pictures and performance: Danica Hanz and Soline Krug Creative translation into Chinese: Sophia Liu

@710 Dingxi Road

Danica Hanz and Soline Krug, "will-to-possess" (left), "why" (right), 2021-11, Risography, 42x30cm (2)
Fragments of a lover’s discourse to Taobao
your fingers depart
longing after the time loss
the world to the touch
I am going to
crush your look with our four feet
ode to joy sharing

NB : long live the queens
--> website Danica : www.edwige.ch
--> website Soline : www.solinekrug.com

@387 Xinhua Road

WeiWei, «Fruit Escape»
Introduction: I'm creating a series of fruit comics. The cat in the comics comes from the cafe M2F on Xinhua Road, the bar where the peach goes comes from the crossover on Xinhua Road, and the bookstore of happiness rally. The original intention of creating fruit comics is to combine the shops in Xinhua road block with fruits. This "fruit escape" series that I thought of in my creation comes from some fun or favorite things. For example, the first picture of the peach, because I felt that my peach life was too boring, he had the idea of running away. As a result, he ran into the crossover next door, fell in love with ice at first sight, and became a peach flavored soda. In the second picture, broccoli met M2F Cat Detective Ron. Ron likes to sleep and play. When he saw broccoli playing skateboarding, he was very afraid at first, and finally he could play friendly with broccoli. The third picture, falling asleep in the happy gathering bookstore, is very much like falling asleep when we went to the library to study hard.

_november 2021

@609 Xinhua Road

Kuang Quanshui, «SOS»
fired clay, 2021.04.08
I love the rough texture of the clay, full of imperfections and surprises, just like an ordinary person with his unrefined and dissatisfactions.

@710 Dingxi Road

Bi Rongrong, A Piece of Urban Skin ---A Poster of the Exhibition of "Pattern XI - ∞", knitting polyester thread, June, 2019
This poster/work is a poster I created for my solo exhibition at the A Thousand Plateau Art Space in 2019. Unlike regular posters, I took a medium which was used in the solo exhibition—knitting to weave this poster. Therefore, in addition to the propaganda function of the poster, it got another layer of meaning, it directly showed a medium of my work.
In the display of Xinhua Art’s window, I chose this poster/work. On the one hand, the elements in my solo exhibition at the time were collected from various symbols on the street, and it also included elements from posters in various places, so it can be returned to the street. On the other hand, I hope to use the poster to make people interested and curious about the events behind it. Therefore, the QR code on the side of the poster contains a lot of information about the exhibition at that time.

@387 Xinhua Road

LI Youqiao (Ying Cheng Chang Jiao), «Moment Essay», drawing, 2003.01.26
During the SARS period / Beijing, Xicheng, in a rented house in the White Tower Temple compound. When I think back to the time when I was a young man, it is a good memory.

_october 2021

@602 Dingxi Road

Jaime Ekkens, «Polaroids from Gouqi Island», Spring 2021
Why I love Polaroids:
- The photos are one of a kind
- Surprises happen all the time, there’s an unpredictability to the media
- There’s a control that artist have surrender to the process
- The photos exist in the real world, instead for pixels on a screen on a phone or hard drive
- Even when the photos don’t turn out exactly the way you expect them - they still exude emotion and mood
These 2 particular Polaroids were taken on a trip to Gouqi Island in spring of 2021 in a village which nature had reclaimed. I colored black and white photos to enhance the history behind them.

@609 Xinhua Road

CHEN Studio, «Halloween - Trick or Treat 🎃»
floral arrangement, 2021.10.29

@387 Xinhua Road

DeYi Studio, «Small occasional decorative installation», light garlands, 2021.10.29
Halloween is a distant heritage of a Celtic New Year's celebration. It was brought to the United States by the Irish, who used to put a candle in a turnip in remembrance of the legend of Jack-o'-lantern, condemned to wander eternally between hell and heaven. The orange and black colors come from the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico. The commercial plastic decorations made in China are thus the result of a very long globalized intercultural sedimentation.

@609 Xinhua Road

TANG Xuan, «Autumn Mediterranean», acrylic on paper, oct.2020
On the Alicante peninsula of Alicante Province in Southeast Spain, there is a "white coast" stretching more than 200 kilometers. With pure white beach, clear blue sky and gorgeous colors of nature, looking at the sea from the town, it is easy to find the symbol of karpe, "karpe giant rock". The 332 meter high rock rising from the sea level is like a patron saint guarding the quiet Mediterranean.
The illustration was inspired by a trip to the Alicante Peninsula in September.When the September sun shines on the Mediterranean, the giant rock wears the autumn sun on his body, and the waves are jumping around him. The flying bubbles are like small planets, changing with the sun,Showing a different world.

@387 Xinhua Road

WANG Ruoxuan, «The First Bouquet of Flowers», paper and gouache, 2021.10.06
In August of this year, Xuan er officially started to learn painting. Although she loves painting very much at ordinary times, it is not easy for her to paint well . Mom just hopes that she can continue to paint cheerfully, with her dreams in the colorful world, and go on happily and bravely...

@602 Dingxi Road

Oranda HOU, «Charm Lucky Eight», Print, 2018
The lucky charm is a gift, and once a token. In 2018, over a period of emotionally challenging time, I started memory sketching objects and events of personal significance. I had gained so much solace from doing it that the sketches become vessels of my feelings and tokens by themselves. The visual, of both the subjects and the sketches, continued to heal and comfort me ever since. As such, I found myself beholden to arts, for how it undertakes to endow me with power, everywhere, anytime, in a quiet and quotidian fashion.

@710 Dingxi Road

XI Gua, «Cat Hair», color photography, sticky paper, furry, hair and dust, 2021.10.17
A month or so ago, this cat came into my life unexpectedly, and since then I have many more items in my room: cat litter, cat toilet, cat bowl, cat food, cat litter, cat nail clippers, cat toys... And the endless amount of cat hair and roller stickers. I roll the hair about 3-5 times a day, and once I accidentally found beautiful patterns on the sticky hair paper, and each one is different, so I will keep the nice ones. The sticky hair paper is not only stuck with cat hair, but also my hair and dust, which is the imprint of my life with her.

@609 Xinhua Road

YOU Yang, «My grandma's coat», 2021.9.27, jacket in a plastic vacuum bag
This leather jacket belonged to my Grandma. It was manufactured by Shanghai Xinmei garment factory. After the founding of the PRC, to help develop the inland regions, my Grandma and Grandpa moved from Harbin to Lanzhou, an inland city in Northwest China. They brought their newborn baby girl, my mom, along with them. The couple, with many of their comrades, built factories from scratch, worked and lived there for the most of their lives.
The reform and opening in the late 1980s and 1990s brought better quality of life to these hard- working citizens. When they got chance to visit big cities like Shanghai, they made the most of such infrequent opportunities, and brought back souvenirs, such as fancy clothes and novelty products to their families.
This jacket was one of those things Grandpa bought for Grandma during his business trip to Shanghai. This mid-length jacket cost a whole lot of money out of the household expenses. Back in that time, people tend to remember the price of each clothes they bought, sometimes even where and how they bought it. For me, I don’t quite remember how I bought most of my clothes. But this one was an exception. It was a Chinese New Year, I went back to my Grandma’s for holiday. I asked Grandma for this jacket, not because it’s a stylish piece, but rather as a precious item that I’d like to own. Little did I imagine that only a few year later, it became a keepsake of my Grandma.
As I’m turning 40 soon, my sense of identity has been shaking. The parents of my Grandpa and Grandma migrated to Northeast China. Grandpa and Grandma moved to Northwest China to construct the country. Later, my parents left Lanzhou, “jumped on the bandwagon” of doing business in South China and went abroad. As for me, I also chose to leave my family and live by myself in Shanghai. As the ties between me and my family became loosened, I felt confused about who I am, and where i came from.
I thought I had all the time in the world after I graduated from college. However, life withers faster than I thought. I didn’t even had chance to show Grandma the new chapter of my life as an independent adult before she passed away.
That was when I started to trace back the life of my family members. I do whatever I can to get to know and explore what they have experienced. This “Xinmei” leather jacket was originally from Shanghai. It once connected me and my Grandma. Through this work, I hope Grandma, me and this city can somehow get reconnected.

@387 Xinhua Road

Section. A pavilion in Zhuxi Park, Yangzhou, China. Design by Doarchi 2018-2020

@602 Dingxi Road

Shelly Conusart, «Seabed variation I», Black ink on calligraphy paper, 33x33cm, 2021

@602 Dingxi Road

MA Wengang, «Impression of old foreign house», acrylic, 2021.09

@710 Dingxi Road

CHEN Luxian, student of Imagination Art Center, Kraft paper, oil stick, 2021.8.18